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iDiploma learns to observation journal

They are chomping at the bit to start posting. What might they discover?!

Studio Time in #iDiploma

How might we use studio time in iDiploma?

Scribble Bot #iDiploma

How might playing and tinkering with Scribble Bots lead to future developments in robotics innovations?

Adams Boys #FSBL Experimenting with Instagram

Since February 2014, my sons and I have been trying an experiment with Instagram as our primary tool for posting our #FSBL (father-son-based learning – explained on my main blog, It’s About Learning). Check out some slices of time from our explorations, adventures, discoveries, and learnings…

#FSBL Kennesaw Mountain Hike

JT, PJ, and AB climb to top of Kennesaw Mt. We’re amazed how Confederate soldiers got the cannon up here!

Amazing to see around ATL from this altitude.

#FSBL #MSBL Inspired by a video, boys set up a potato experiment

After watching a video about the chemical “bud nip” used on grocery store sweet potatoes, the boys & AB are experimenting with vine growing on Kroger potato, Whole Foods, and Whole Foods organic.

Hypothesis: Whole Foods organic potato will sprout and grow vines the fastest.

#FSBL Exploring Powers Branch at Big Trees Forest Preserve

After leaving Morgan Falls and Bulls Sluice Lake, the boys took us to hike further at Big Trees. They’re curious about the water falls and hydrolics.


#FSBL Where we’ve been today.

#FSBL Learning in the woods, hiking

Walking the “mountain” at Morgan Falls. Talking about the vine marks and expansion defenses of the trees.

#FSBL “Dad, it’s like an inside-out soccer ball.”

PJ & JT, A-B and I are exploring Morgan Falls and Bull Sluice. PJ’s gotten interested in the pentagons, hexagons, and triangles in this structure.